Local company establishment for Indonesian business entities (PT). Foreigners can be listed as a Director. Shares must be 100% local owned.
Foreign company establishment, suitable for foreigners looking to open a business in Indonesia. Please note, some business areas may not be 100% foreign owned.
Suitable business entity for foreign companies looking to create an office in Indonesia with the purpose of market research. Please note, no profit can be generated.
To sell or produce alcoholic beverages in Indonesia, an alcohol license is mandatory.
Certification for mostly food, beverages, and cosmetics companies, which need a Halal certification for their products.
Merge your businesses to expand the company’s reach or gain market share.LetsMoveIndonesia will help identify opportunities and valuations as well as handle the due diligence of your merger.
Licenses for any business that provides their services online through a web portal or phone application.
License for any business that requires warehouse storage across Indonesia.
License for a company that wants to expand its business in a franchise way.
Generate license to export your products worldwide with seamless process and well planned timeline.
For companies that want to register their business or products to get their trademark registered, both nationally and internationally.
For a company that wants to close its business in Indonesia.
We offer services for company acquisition to get their acquisition legalized and listed.
For foreigners who want to register their spouses legally in Indonesia.
A legal requirement for foreigners that will drive a car or motorcycle in Indonesia.
We offer our clients a virtual office solution to aid in setting up and maintaining their business in Indonesia.
To any individual who wants to register their Indonesian Tax Identification Number.
To any company who wants to register their Indonesian Tax Identification Number.
For any company that hasn’t transferred its OSS account into an OSS RBA account.
We offer our clients if they need any MOU and Agreement Drafted with limited offers.